Save $45,000 when you trade up to Gogo AVANCE L5
If you have been waiting to upgrade your Gogo ATG system to 4G Wi-Fi, the perfect time is right now. Trade up to Gogo Biz AVANCE L5 by December 31, 2019 and receive a $45,000 installation credit, or a full year of free Gogo Biz 4G Pro service valued at $52,140. To qualify, all you need is an ATG system on board (ATG 1000/2000/4000/5000/8000) and active service.
Say hello to true high-speed.
Gogo Biz AVANCE L5 delivers true 4G performance with high-speed streaming video, audio and more.
- Reliable seamless performance across the U.S. and parts of Alaska and Canada
- Connect up to 40 devices simultaneously
- Built-in Gogo Vision® Inflight Services & On-Demand Inflight Entertainment
- Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, HBO GO, iTunes and other streaming video
- Pandora, Spotify, iTunes and other streaming audio
- Voice and video calls on your smartphone
- VPN access and large mail attachments
Installed by the Gogo Biz experts at Clay Lacy Aviation.
Clay Lacy is an authorized Gogo Biz dealer with more than 100 Gogo installations on a wide variety of business jets. Our experts will install your upgrade at our new MRO facility at Van Nuys Airport in Los Angeles. To learn more about this limited-time offer contact Pat Conroy, Director of Service Sales, at pconroy@claylacy.com or 818.989.2900.
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● Gogo Biz 4G changes the way you do business on a private jet
● 6 Reasons to upgrade to Gogo AVANCE